I LOVE the weekend! OK - I guess that's not a radical statement- we all love the weekend for the most part...but I REALLY find joy in the idea of Saturday - it's not just the day - but the mood of Saturday...It actually feels different - because there's time to feel; it smells different, because there's a chance to stop and smell - the wonderful fresh brewed coffee, the freshly cut grass, the bounce sheets in the dryer - and it takes on it's own attitude and pace.
Being the first one up on a Monday morning is no fun. It's dark and lonely. Being the first one up on a Saturday morning is magic! The house is quiet, the coffee tastes better, the birds sing louder and the idea of catching up is inviting instead of chaotic. That's probably because I'm catching up on all the stuff I love - reading news and blogs, being with friends and family...Saturday means shopping - and I love shopping...Saturday means watching at least one of my kids play at least one sport - and I love watching my kids in their sports...Saturday means we will either have friends or family over - or we will go out visiting - and I love socializing...(plus there's always wine on Saturday night visits).
In addition to catching up on the fun stuff, my favourite thing about the weekend is that time works for me instead of against me...There are no meeting reminders popping up on my screen, no harried phone calls to deal with or urgent decisions to be made - beyond what colour nail polish to paint my toe nails with - or what flavour wine goes best with rib eye! Who should sleep over? Who gets the car? Really important stuff!
Eventually Saturday DOES get busy - as soon as the rest of the family starts padding into the kitchen, breaking the silence, drowning out the birds and upsetting the calm. But the weekend flurry of activity is different from Monday chaos... It involves a similar level of focus and intensity to what's needed throughout the week...but channeled toward different priorities: cheering in the stands or on the sidelines, racing from arena to field to gym to mall... creative cooking, power shopping and precious moments of solitude. It's RE-creation instead of recreation...the pace is rejuvenating rather than exhausting.
There's nothing like watching your daughter play football in the noon day sun - or seeing your son speed down the ice to score a breakaway goal...Cheerleading, lacrosse, dinner club and power walks - all part of the reason why weekends rock...they are the gathering place for the memories, the milestones, the simple things that make all of the weekday craziness worth it!
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